Bathampton Bridge, Kennet and Avon
Welcome to our website.
If it's a swing bridge, lift bridge, drawbridge, bascule bridge, sliding bridge, retractable bridge, curling bridge, rolling bridge, telescopic bridge, transporter bridge, counterweight bridge, boat lift or any other sort of movable bridge and is in the British Isles it belongs on this website, whether it is on a canal or river, in a dock or marina, or over the moat of a castle or fort. In time we intend to create a comprehensive historical and photographic record of movable bridges in the British Isles, with the help of supporters and contributors and also biographies of the individuals, organisations and companies involved in the design and construction of each bridge.

Riversway Bridge, the Ribble in Preston
As of April 30th 2024 we now have 2,413 sites listed around the British Isles where there is or has in the past been a movable bridge. So far we have photographs on the website of 1,348 of those sites – so we still have 1,265 to go! At the age of 80 and now living in South Devon I – Stewart that is - have far less opportunity to travel around the British Isles to research and photograph sites and we are increasingly reliant on visitors to the website to add to the information and to provide photographs. All help is very much appreciated and always acknowledged. We have tried to be accurate in describing each bridge, but we hope you have a sharp eye for detail to spot any errors that we have made or to point up any gaps in our information. For a full explanation of the origins and aims of the site please read the mission statement.

Deptford Creek Rail Bridge
I have been using the very wet winter of 2023-24 to catch up with work on the website. There is now at least basic information about each waterway listed and new biographies of bridge builders are being added almost daily – although there are many more to be added.
If you have any information to share or comments about the site please e-mail the address in the contacts page.